10K HR Hubbers | HR Hub, as seen by Corina Neagu
This year marks two important milestones for HR Hub. First, we are now 10 years old. And second, our community just got over 10K members. We are humbled and happy to celebrate together with all of you!
With our enthusiasm sky-rocketing, we reached out to a couple of HR Hubbers and asked them to share their thoughts with us. We hope you'll enjoy this series as much as we do!
Corina has been with us for several years. She is an active contributor and she's always happy to share her knowledge with other professionals, helping them learn and grow. She founded Dare (Development Advice & Resources) in 2016 with a clear goal in mind: discovering the potential in people and making it work to achieve their goals.
How would you describe HR Hub to a non-member?
A very resourceful, dynamic and interesting HR community.
One thing you learned through HR Hub and impacted you/your career in a positive way?
I have met very nice and interesting people and I have nice partnerships.

One thing you wish you could change in the HR world tomorrow if you`d have a magic wand?
I would like to bring human back into HR and to change all negative perspectives and misconceptions related to HR people and functions.
One song you associate with the HR Hub community. Why?
Don't worry, be happy! As we really need to keep our optimism and enthusiasm in everything that we do.
Let's celebrate 10k! Share with the HR Hubbers a personal memory related to the HR Hub community (e.g.: it can be something funny/inspirational/insightful, anything really). :)
I think step by step, if we nurture this community, we may change the world through education and professionalism, bit by bit.