10K HR Hubbers | HR Hub, as seen by Bianca Ardeleanu

This year marks two important milestones for HR Hub. First, we are now 10 years old. And second, our community just got over 10K members. We are humbled and happy to celebrate together with all of you!

With our enthusiasm sky-rocketing, we reached out to a couple of HR Hubbers and asked them to share their thoughts with us. We hope you'll enjoy this series as much as we do!

We've known Bianca for a while now. Some of us even got the chance to work together with her in a recruitment agency. She's been part of several HR Hub projects and attended a looot of our events. And she's currently the HR Business Partner of SLS Synergy Group.

How would you describe HR Hub to a non-member?

Have you seen How I Met Your Mother? That's one thing that reminds me of HR Hub... when Barney had a guy for everything you needed. Even a guy that can lead you to the person that has what you need.

Oh, one more thing. HR Hub it's like having Google for one specific industry, an elite version of Google as it's making on point suggestions and follow-ups, offers human interaction and friends, and keeps you updated on what really matters. Plus, it offers you things you didn't even know you needed.

One thing you learned through HR Hub and impacted you / your career in a positive way?

You are not alone. Even if you are a one man show in your company. And yes, sharing is caring and it helps you improve. One specific thing that I learned from HR Hub: there is no perfect solution ( or a secret recipe), it's a matter of finding the best solution for that specific context/problem.

One thing you wish you could change in the HR world tomorrow if you`d have a magic wand?

Eradicate the preconception about HR ( e.g., 'the lady from HR') or replace it with curiosity about what HR means.

One song you associate with the HR Hub community. Why?

Bob Sinclair - Love generation: this song always felt like a hymn. It's so positive and gives me a good vibe of 'ok, let's do this'.

Let's celebrate 10k! Share with the HR Hubbers a personal memory related to the HR Hub community (e.g.: it can be something funny/inspirational/insightful, anything really)

I've been part of the community since 2014. HR Hub was and still is a source of inspiration for me, and here I am referring not only to the content. It's a proof of true passion. And where it can get you.